Originating in the Indian subcontinent, the Nihang Singhs are armed warriors, characterized by their blue colorful robes and decorated turbans.
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Nihang Singh are dominate part of Sikh military since early ages, where they played a pivotal role in the defense of the Sikh religion when Mughal governors were killing Sikhs after the fall of the first Sikh empire in 1800s. Known for their bravery and ruthlessness on the battlefield, the Nihang Singhs managed to win stunning military victories even when managed to heavily outnumbered. Forming irregular guerrilla squads of the armed forces of the Sikh Empire and the Sikh Khalsa Army, the Nihang Singh proved to be formidable adversaries, spreading fear in the ranks of the enemy.
Our Mission at Nihang Singh Production is to spread Sikh and Nihang vibes around the globe and pay homage to Sikh Martyrs who sacrificed their lives for humanity, peace, and justice for all.
Third Sikh Genocide happened in Nov 1984 - killing more than 3,000 Sikhs in New Delhi and an estimated 8,000 – 17,000 Sikhs in total were killed across 40 cities in India. At least 50,000 Sikhs were displaced. Read More...
Baba Deep Singh ji Shahid (26 January 1682 -13 November 1757), is one of the most honoured martyrs in Sikh history. He was the founder of the Shahid Misl (group), the first head of Damdami Taksal.
A bold and fearless saint-soldier he was ever ready to risk his life for the Panth. Baba ji was born on January 26, 1682 and died fighting at Amritsar on November 13, 1757 when he was about 75 years old. Read More...
The ninth Sikh Guru, Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib Ji, undertook the supreme sacrifice for the protection of the most fundamental of human rights - the right of a person to freely practice his or her religion without interference or hindrance. Read More...